
1, 2, and 3 John is unavailable, but you can change that!

These three letters from the apostle John are personal, pastoral, and passionate pleas for the church to remain united and strong in the face of persecution. They are also treasured for their memorable teaching on love and forgiveness. Discover the evidence of what the true Christian life looks like, what true Christian care consists of, and what constitutes genuine leadership in the church.

Christ). It would not make any sense to do otherwise, to claim to love the father while refusing to love his children. Yet this is precisely what the schismatics do. What Jesus said about husband and wife may also be said of love for God and for one’s fellow believer, “What God has joined together, let man not separate” (Mark 10:9). 5:2 / This verse begins with the last of the writer’s eight This is how we know statements (2:3, 5; 3:16, 19, 24; 4:2, 13). They reassure the readers of their spiritual
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